Analisis Margin Pemasaran Ikan Layang di Kabupaten Pati
Kata kunci: Ikan Layang, Margin Pemasaran, Efisiensi Pemasaran
This study aims to analyze the marketing margin of flying fish in each marketing channel and the efficiency of flying fish marketing in Pati Regency. This study uses two analytical methods, namely marketing margin analysis and marketing efficiency analysis. The population in this study is fishermen and fish seller. The method of determining respondents using the snowball sampling method with the number of respondents as many as 20 respondents. The results showed that there were 4 marketing channels with 2 types of flying fish products being marketed, namely frozen flying fish and pindang flying fish. The short marketing channel with the lowest marketing margin is in marketing channel 1 which consists of fishermen, fish auction, wholesalers, and out-of-town consumers. The longest marketing channel with the largest marketing margin is channel 4 which consists of fishermen, fish auction, processing industry, wholesalers, collectors, retailers and consumers. The marketing channel for flying fish for frozen fly fish products, it is concluded that channel 1 is more efficient than channel 2. Meanwhile, marketing for pindang flying fish products, marketing channel 3 is more efficient than marketing channel 4. This finding implies the need for further processing of flying fish to improve the quality and selling value of flying fish outside the city.
Keywords: Flying Fish, Marketing Margin, Marketing Efficiency
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