Analisis Manajemen Logistik Tepung Tapioka (Studi Kasus Pada PD. Semangat Jaya)

Intan Anisa Putri, Zainal Abidin, Lina Marlina


This study aims to analyze delivery time, the percentage of logistics costs to product prices, and inventory management. This research is a case study at PD Semangat Jaya of Pesawaran District, Lampung Province. Data for this research was collected from November to December 2022.  Objectives 1 was analyzed using OTIF (On time in Full) method.  Objective was analyzed using data tabulation.  While objective 3 was analyzed using FIFO (First in First Out) approach.   Respondents in this study consisted of 1 owner, 1 field supervisors, and 1 administrative staff. The study suggests that the delivery time for tapioca flour from June to November started from 77.77% to 100%, so that the average delivery time for tapioca flour delivery to a trading company (PD.  Semangat Jaya) was 85.88%, which was consider to be good. for the delivery of a product.  The percentage of logistics costs for sending tapioca starch varies in each region, ranging from 33.26% to 33.46%, so that the average logistics cost is 33.33% of the selling price of tapioca flour.  The value of the final inventory of tapioca flour for one year in this company is Rp. 24,979,500,000.00.


delivery time; inventory value; logistic costs; tapioca flour


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