Analisis Keputusan Pembelian Madu Berdasarkan Implikasi 7p Marketing Mix Di Era Pandemi Covid-19 (Studi Kasus Di Tawon Rimba Raya Lawang Malang)

Mika Anggi Delima Sirait, Anie Eka Kusumastuti


Agro Tawon Rimba Raya Tourism Picking Honey Lawang is one of the locations for selling honey from Tawon Rimba Raya Lawang (TRRL). The Research objectives were: 1). To identify the consumer characteristics on honey purchasing decisions in the COVID-19 pandemic era, 2). To analyze the influence of the implications of the 7p marketing mix on the decision purchasing TRRL honey in the COVID-19 pandemic era, and 3). To analyzed factors influenced the decision to purchase TRRL honey in the pandemic COVID-19 era. The research method used survey method. The research sample was conducted through purposive and accidental sampling on 100 respondents. The data collection technique used direct observation, interviews with structured questionnaires as research instruments, and documentation. Data then analyzed with descriptive analysis, factor analysis and multiple regression analysis using IBM SPSS Statistics 26. The results indicated that the characteristics of TRRL honey consumers in the COVID-19 Pandemic era were male and female with an age ranging of 17-27 years old, with education level of Senior/Vocational High School/equivalent, have an occupation as entrepreneurial work, and having average income per month > IDR 3,000,000.-. 7p marketing mix that affects the purchase of TRRL honey consists of product including: price, process, promotion and place variables.


Marketing mix, honey, purchasing decisions

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